Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My friend Katie and I are babysitting for Sophia, a cute little six month old. We are sitting in a huge shopping mall on leather chairs with Sophia on my lap. Sophia's mother walks by. We think she doesn't see us. Suddenly she turns around. We are living in a time/world where all we have to do is think about someone and they know where we are. Katie doesn't have to talk to me to let me know what she is thinking. I can hear what she is saying through some sort of telepathic sense.
We are done babysitting this little girl named Sophia. The benefit of this telepathic world is that we move quick, we don't have to waste time explaining what we mean. The bad side: everyone can hear what you're thinking about, but only if it pertains to them. For instance, say I am walking beside Katie. She can hear what I want her to hear, plus what I don't want her to hear, but only if it is about her. She can't hear that I am also thinking about that hot guy walking past, because it doesn't pertain to her. However... that hot guy can hear me thinking about him, because it pertains to him.
All this explanation to lead up to...evening time in this new world. Me, Katie, and some other random people are looking for a particular club to party at. We can not find it! Why not? Because everytime we try to hear someone thinking about the club..( since we are thinking of the club name, we can also hear other people think of the club name) they lead us in the wrong direction. Because these people are thinking of the club name, they lead us to them..but it does not necessarily mean they are at the club!
Hence the dilemma of the dream. Katie and I can not find this fantastic nightclub.

And the dream ends.

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