Tuesday, August 3, 2010

George Washington Goes to Church

I was sitting in a massive church that was filled with people. The typical church service was going on but a wedding was going to be preformed afterwards. I was sitting near the front but I heard people near the back calling my name. I got up and went to them. It was a priest and a lady. They handed me a black robe and a black George Washington wig and I carried them back to my seat. When the service was over people started pushing me towards the left of the chapel. There was no wall, it was completely open to the outside. I put on the black gown and wig and when I got out of the church and into the fresh air I saw an ocean. Out in the ocean, not too far from shore was a floating dock with a priest and bride and groom on it. I was supposed to walk to rings down the aisle for them. But the aisle was underwater and the current was heavy. I started trying to walk out but I was having a lot of difficulty.
And the dream ends.

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