Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Strange Land

I begin in Disney World (as a lot of my dreams do) and I am on a small ride with my mom. I tell my mom I have to go and end up in some sort of dormitory secluded in the woods. There are beds everywhere inside. I can't find Nick so I go outside. He is sitting on logs around a campfire with some people I know and some people I don't. One of the unknown men pull out a shoebox full of leaves. He eats one and passes it around. Everyone is eating the leaves. I say no. A few seconds later everyone is acting high. They say it is the best high they've ever had. Jerry is so convinced this is the best stuff he throws all his pills in the grass. I have to pick them up quickly because Music, our dog, is trying to eat them. This is ridiculous I think. I go back in the dormitory to go to bed. I walk into a room that somehow know is mine. But I walk in on Elizabeth hooking up with another girl. I quickly excuse myself and look for another bed. But I can't find an empty bed, they all seem to be occupied by the biggest people I've ever seen!

And the dream ends.